Friday, February 13, 2009

Henry Ward Beecher Prayer from PRAYERS FROM PLYMOUTH PULPIT prayed on FAST DAY IN WAR April 30 1863 Lincoln Bicentennial

Fast Day in War
April 30, 1863

The prayer prayed by Henry Ward Beecher before delivering his sermon on the day proclaimed by Civil War President Abraham Lincoln, April 30, 1863, as a national day of humiliation, fasting and prayer.

by Henry Ward Beecher
The Pilgrim Press
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867,
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States
for the Southern District of New York.

Transcribed by Mary Katherine May, owner of Qualtiy Music and Books.


Be pleased, Almighty God, this morning to smile upon us; for we are drawn hither by thy Spirit, moved, we trust, to repentance and to confession before thy great and reverend name. Prepare our hearts, then, for the offices of this work. Withdraw our thoughts from things that shall hinder. Lift up our minds to that sphere where thou dwellest, that we may take the measure of human judgments and of human wants from thy inspiration. And may the exercises of the sanctuary to-day, and the exercises of our homes, be acceptable in thy sight. We ask it for Christ's sake. Amen.

(Prayer before) BEFORE SERMON

Almighty God, give us thy divine influence, by which we shall reach forth to thee and find thee. Let us not to-day take counsel of our weakness, nor of our sins, nor of our passions. Raise us by thine own inbreathing, that we may think of thee from our own conscience, from love, and from that in us which is higher and diviner, that we may come to the knowledge of God indeed. And grant that we may be so separated from our own sympathies and self-pityings, that we may for the time stand by thy side and look back upon our life, individually and collectively, and measure it, without shrinking, as thou dost measure it, and pronounce sentence upon it, as thou, from out of the law of righteousness, shalt judge it. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from the delusions of sin, and from that blindness which we bring upon ourselves by self-flattery. Deliver us from a disposition to defend our misconduct. Let us not seek to extenuate or palliate it. Grant that we may behold our delinquency, or our complicity with others that have sinned, and that with simpleness and singleness of heart, and true contrition, we may confess them all before thee; and may, with full purpose of heart, covenant to forsake our transgressions.

Grant that every one of us may this morning review his own state. Reveal to us by the Holy Spirit what we are. Grant that we may have some estimate of how we stand in the presence of our God. And help every one of us with secret thought and with silent fidelity to measure and estimate and confess his individual sins before thee. Whatever there has been of selfishness, of guile, of hardness, whatever of pride and vanity, whatever of vagrancy of imagination, whatever of neglect of things that were incumbent upon us, whatever of unperformed duties, O Lord, help us to confess it with contrition of heart. They are sovereign delinquencies, for they are against thee. Our sins are buffetings, and we have smitten him whose patience bears with us and gives us the very power to sin. We pray that we may feel to-day how hateful it is to take advantage of God's goodness that should lead us to repentance, and build upon it an argument for carelessness and continuance in wrongdoing.

O God, may we be melted by thy love, and drawn away from the wish to sin. May we have that ingenuousness and frankness of heart which shall, when we detect or even suspect our wrong, fill us with sorrow, and bring us speedily to thee for confession and for strength against easily besetting sins; for only thou canst cleanse us. We have not the power to cleanse ourselves. We can in each case discern the wrong, for we may separate it, and resist special temptation, and know that we are responsible; and yet life flows, not with single drops, but as a flood, and we are caught, and whirled, and whelmed in the multitude of its events. We cannot find out all sinful tendencies nor waive them. Every day we find that we have been inspired by things not suspected; that we have over-measured or under-estimated; and continually our judgment is against us, and we know that unless there is given us that sovereign inspiration of God which shall cause us to dwell in that higher atmosphere, and that holier moral disposition which temptation can scarcely shoot so strong as to hit, we cannot maintain ourselves nor please thee. Grant, then, that we may have the divine help to be lifted above the region where temptations mainly roll and dash, that we may be secure and pure.

Grant, also, that we may look into our households, to see what is wrong there, and that with an inspired hand we may put that right which is wrong. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from that wickedness of pride which shall make us unwilling to do that which is right, because we have done that which is wrong. Grant that we may examine the law of our lips and see if we have sinned there. May we examine our hearts, and know if the law of love or unkindness is there. May we see what fidelities we have meted out on every side. May it be our honest and earnest purpose to serve God more faithfully in our households than ever we have done before.

And, O God, grant us heart-searchings and strivings of the Spirit in regard to the whole sphere of duties that have lain so lightly upon us in respect to our neighbors and our fellow-men. How have we sought chiefly our own good! How hard have been our affections! We have not been easy to be entreated. We have not counted it better to give than to receive. We have come to be ministered unto, and not to minister. We have refused to be servants of others, that we might thus be chief. We have sought our own glory, and walked in the light of our own interest. We have been of the world, worldly. We confess our transgressions. We see the better way, O Lord God; and how shall we walk it? The purpose is with us, the law is holy and just and good, and we do approve it after the inward man; but how, in the seductions of the world, in the allurements of the feelings, shall we walk according to the lordliness of thine example? Grant, O God, that with a sense of our misconduct and sinfulness, and of the hatefulness of it--grant that, with a sense of the beauty of holiness in this sphere of action and duty, we may have from this time forth grace ministered to us to do better than we have ever done before.

And we beseech thee that thou wilt also help us to review the sins that lay upon as a burden, in view of our connection with this great civil estate into which we are born. We cannot withdraw ourselves from its care and responsibility. It is ordained of God, and our duties as citizens are a part of our duty to thee. We are called of God to frame laws; we are called of God to appoint officers to execute those laws; we are called of God to determine all the policies of this great nation; and we look upon our life to see whether we have served this nation according to its desert, according to the purpose that God had in its establishment, and according to all that it was sent to do for this poor sin-smitten world; and we behold how, through our negligence it hath been tampered with, poisoned, corrupted, and diseased; how, while we have slept, the enemies of God have been wakeful and jubilant; and how iniquity hat stolen the march of goodness.

We mourn over our past delinquency, our guilty silence, our culpable indifference, our selfishness in security, our fear of reputation, that held us back from faithful testimonies in the days of trial. We look at our indifference toward those that have been wronged, and bear our part of the guilt of wickedness and oppression in this land. O Lord, we pray that thou wilt hold thy people in the hollow of thy hand, that they may look at the oppressions of those who have suffered a thousand times more than they. When they rush to war to vindicate their own rights, may they not be deaf to the outcries of the oppressed. And may we remember that if we have not ourselves put the yoke upon them, we have helped to lay that burden on them which they have been yoked to bear and draw. If we have not inflicted the suffering, we have stood consenting, and bearing the clothes of those who were stoning and beating them down. We have known that our brethren suffered, bone of our bone, blood of our blood, children of redemption, heirs of Calvary, God-thought-of, angel-watched, convoyed by sweet and blessed messengers from the throne of the universe, and tending to the same heaven to which we are tending; and we have been indifferent to their great trouble. We have suffered our land to be overrun by injustice; the ways of government to be perverted and, from interest, from a sense of our own security, and from most unrighteous indifference to the wrongs of others, we have allowed this great evil to come upon the nation.

And now, O God, thou hast come down to hear the cries of those that have pleaded long, but whom we would not hear. And we are suffering beneath thy blows. We cannot help it; and we rejoice that thou art a God that will hear the oppressed, though we are their oppressors. Thou, O God, wilt vindicate the poor and needy. If they are dumb, they need not speak to be heard; if they are utterly helpless, the right hand of Omnipotence is theirs. And all the reasonings of men, and all their glozings of deceit, and all pretentious excuses are in they sight as the dust of the summer's threshing-floor; and when thou shalt breathe thy winds upon them, they shall be swept away utterly and for ever.

We adore thy throne of judgment, that stands unmoved in the midst of war and confusion; and we humble ourselves before thee to-day, not attempting to discriminate between our sins and others, but asking thee to accept the confession that we make for our unmeasured transgressions. We discern and feel that as members of this great nation we have most grievously sinned against light and knowledge, against the truth of thy word, against our own education, against the generous sentiments of every unperverted human bosom. We have sinned against examples. We knew that we were doing wrong; and our briberies have been the goods that perished in this world. And we have been brought into this exigency because we have taken a mess of pottage for our birthright of liberty.

May we not add other sins to the past ones. let us not seek anew to deceive thee as we have deceived ourselves, and sought to deceive thee in times past. let there be a thorough work wrought in this people. We thank thee for any signs and tokens of remembrance, and we pray that thou wilt restore us to the love of simple justice, and that the rights of men as children of God may become precious in the sight of this great nation. And prepare it for that mission for which we trust it is now passing through the fire.

Be pleased to remember all that are in authority. Be with the President of these United States. We thank thee that thou hast been pleased to guide him so safely and so prudently thus far. Yet uphold him. Augment his wisdom with gathered experience. Make him more and more simple and single for justice and righteousness. May all those that are his counselors be themselves counseled of God. And may this nation, by its government, be led in a way that it knows not of. May the generals that command our armies be more and more men that shall love the principles of that government for which they contend. Grant unto them victory. Grant unto our armies the power to cope with those that are in battle array against liberty and its constituted government. Overthrow rebellion. Change the minds of those that are now involved in its mischiefs. Restore them again, we beseech of thee, to the love of union as the instrument of liberty. And we prya that thou wilt not give us peace, until thou shalt have prepared this nation to be champion of human rights and liberties. Still stir us up; and, if need be, chastise us again and again, until by our suffering we shall come into sympathy with those that suffer. Then may our righteousness be as the morning light. Then let the choral testimony of the multitudes of this land be heard rolling as the anthem of salvation all around the world. Then may they that sit in darkness, wondering that the sun hath risen in the west, rise up. Then may the nations that are oppressing their common people be overthrown in their dynasties, and the rights of men be established everywhere. Then may there speedily be heard that glorious song, that shall fill all the heavens above, announcing that the cause of the nations in this world has become the cause of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and that he shall reign on the earth. And the praise shall be given to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Transcribed by Mary Katherine May, owner of

Monday, February 2, 2009

HOME AGAIN by Lucy H Washington Christian Poet 1878 Civil War Abe Lincoln Poetry III

Mrs. L. H. Washington in 1878 published her book of poetry titled Echoes of Song. She was the mother of four children, one son and three daughters. A devoted Christian, she lived a life of service to her family and God. Lucy married a Baptist minister.

As a poet, Lucy Hall Washington wrote from her experiences in life and of the cause for which she was a public speaker, that being Temperance.

The fourth poem from Poems of Patriotism titled "Our Martyred President" in her book was inspired by the dedication of the final resting place of the martyred president, Abraham Lincoln, on October 15th, 1874. The cost of the monument was $171,000, and begun in 1869, took five years to build. It is located in Oak Ridge Cemetary in Springfield, Illinois. President Lincoln, wife Mary Todd Lincoln, and three of their four children are entombed in the structure. Having gone through two reconstructions, the monument does not appear as shown on this blog today. There are many sites where photographs can be viewed and more in-depth information may be found on the internet. To view one of the sites please CLICK HERE.

Our Martyred President

MOURN for the Chief of the Nation, who perished
By the assassin's demoniac hand;
One whom we had chosen, and honored, and cherished,
Whose blood sealed the clasp o'er Columbia's land.

PRAISE--for oppression is banished forever,
Her dark reign is over from river to sea;
In truth and in spirit, as now, sang we never,
"Of the land of the brave, and the home of the free."

Our God, who in wisdom the dark strife permitted,
Though the bow was obscured in the midst of the storm,
Now war clouds are broken, and vengeance requited,
Shows the wonders he worketh, his will to perform.

Then boast not of conquest, or wisdom, but chided,
In contrite submission and penitence bowed,
Give thanks to the Lord, who our armies hath guided,
For "Why should the spirit of mortal be proud?"

Yet long as our banner shall wave in her beauty,
As long as we sing of the red, white, and blue,
Columbia will honor in pleasure and duty,
The memory of LINCOLN, brave, honest and true.

Assembled to-day are the pride of the Nation,
Surrounding the spot where his hallowed dust lies,
Reviewing his service in grandest oration,
Recording his virtues in loftiest praise.

Though granite and bronze tower high where he sleeps,
A Nation's bereavement and grief to proclaim,
More lasting and precious the love light that keeps,
Enshrined in the hearts of the people, his name.

Transcribed by Mary Katherine May, owner of

HOME AGAIN by Lucy H Washington Christian Poet 1878 Civil War Abe Lincoln Poetry II

In Echoes of Song by Mrs. Lucy Hall (Walker) Washington, I found poetry that sparked emotion without being overly sentimental. Born in 1835, she celebrated her 30th birthday the year the American Civil War ended, and also the year the 16th President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

This year, 2009, we celebrates a good event, the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth, the actual date being February 12. I often wonder why we celebrate the date of someone's death, unless it would be to celebrate their going to their eternal home with God.

The following poem, Home Again, was written by Mrs. Washington, as "suggested" (inspired?) by the "beautiful picture, .... painted by Trevor Mc Clurg, Esq., of Pittsburgh, Penn." The War Between the States cost more lives than any other war our country fought. It is good to also honor those who lived.

Home Again

"HOME again!" with thrilling accent,
Sprang from lips the magic word,
Quickening every pulse and heart throb,
"Where the well known voice was heard,

Home from war's dark scenes of conflict;
Home from prison's darker gloom;
He had thought ere this glad moment,
To have found a stranger's tomb.

Oh, the torture of those hours,
Burning hunger thirst and pain,
Yet he thinks not of their anguish,
Now that is is Home again.

Joyous Frank and gentle Nellie,
He had greeted just before,
And on either side supported,
Enters now the open door.

Seeking first, her, best beloved,
Where he finds a glad surprise,
Beaming from each radiant feature,
Glancing from those up-turned eyes.

Him, the idol of the maiden,
Dearest treasure of the wife,
She with loyal heart had yielded,
For the Nation's trembling life.

What glad tumult fills her bosom,
Recompense for waiting pain,
For the land she loves is rescued,
Whom she gave is Home again.

Mother, name scarce less endearing,
Manifests maternal joy,
As she stands in mute thanksgiving,
That God hath restored her boy.

Others called him Captain, Colonel,
Even General though he be,
She but sees her noble Edward,
Merry boy of yesterday.

Father gravely waits a greeting,
Age hath silvered o'er his hair,
Else he too had joined the conflict,
For his heart had followed there.

All are joyous at his coming,
'Tis a cheerful happy sight;
Even Carlo bounding forward,
Plainly shows a dog's delight.

One one is shy and doubting,
Little prattling Baby May,
She has learned to lisp of Pa-pa,
Yet she knows him not to-day.

Yes, it is a gladsome picture,
Yet with joy it giveth pain,
When we think of precious thousands,
Never to come Home again.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
God protect our rescued country,
From her foes, where e'er they stand,
Whether in her halls of council,
Or with wielded sword in hand.

Let the blood of perished heroes
Wash away eaching darkling stain,
And the glorious light of Freedom,
Never be obscured again.

Transcribed by Mary Katherine May, owner of

Emancipation ProclamationLucy H Washington Christian Poetry I 1878 Immortal Proclamation

Left: Mrs. Lucy Hall Washington

Right: Page of the Emancipation Proclamation address given by President Abraham Lincoln.

On January 1, 1863
, the War Between the States still raging with a third year of fighting approaching, President Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation declaring all slaves held in "rebellious states" free. Though still not complete freedom for all held captive within the United States of America, it "transformed the character of the war." CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

The Proclamation of Emancipation was given the title Immortal Proclamation, and it is this for which Lucy Washington was inspired to write her poem, "Birth-day of Freedom."

Mrs. Lucy Hall (Walker) Washington was born January 4, 1835, into a family whose roots in America dated back to 1640. One can see from the charming countenance of her facial features that Mrs. Washington was a woman who cared and loved. Before marrying a Baptist minister, she taught school. Lucy and her husband were the parents of four children. Lucy was a well-respected public speaker, often for the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. She delivered addresses 24 states for prohibition.

Echoes of Song, a book of poetry for which Lucy Washington is the author, was published in 1878. On page 112 begins Lucy's Poems of Patriotism.

Birth-day of Freedom
Ushered in by the Immortal Proclamation
of Our Martyred President.

HAIL! new birth-day of the Nation,
Of the glorious proclamation,
All our fighting was in vain,
We had learned the lesson slowly,
That we must become more lowly,
That we must be born again.

Born all free from vile pollution
Of the cursed institution,
Which robs labor of reward;
Evil that hath banished kindness,
Caused secession, madness, blindness,
Roar of cannon, clash of sword.

All in vain the expiation,
With the fresh blood of the nation;
All in vain our strength and might;
We had seen our fate impending,
We were to destruction tending,
Lest we battle for the right.

Since the mighty words were spoken,
"Every bond is hereby broken,
And our Nation shall be free,"
We, with heart and hand united,
And with faith all newly plighted,
Have pressed on to victory.

Onward still! ye brave and fearless,
With a cause no longer cheerless;
Forward march and firmly stand,
In the ranks where noble brothers,
Best beloved of wives and mothers,
Battle for their native land.

Turn not back, nor yield, nor falter,
If upon thy Country's altar,
Thou shouldst perish in the strife;
Shrink not, let the Nation's honor--
Freedom, with no stain upon her,
Be more precious far than life.

Glorious birth-day of the Nation!
Faithful, fearless proclamation!
Weapon forged by powerful hand;
Bravely wielded from this hour,
It shall crush with mighty power,
Treason throughout all the land.

Theodore E. Baker.
Theodore E. Baker, a graduate of the University of Rochester, in the class of 1857, was associated with the author, as one of the faculty of the Brockport, N.Y., Collegiate Institute, being Professor of Languages therein from 1857 to 1860. He enlisted in the Chicago "Board of Trade Battery," August 1, 1862, for three years' service, and died at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, June 1, 1863.

THERE are sorrowing, mourning hearts to-day,
For this patriot son, who has passed away
From the warring, tumultuous scenes of Earth;
And ere I speak of his manly worth,
I would pause with them, who held him dear,
To shed in sorrow, a mourner's tear.

I knew him as generous, noble and kind,
Rich in treasures of heart and mind,
Amiable, gentle, courageous and just,
Ever faithful in duty, true in his trust;
Thus rarely combining the virtues that blend,
In the faithful instructor, son, brother and friend.

When the Nation called to her valiant sons,
He, with ready voice replied, "I come;"
For could she ask in her hour of need,
And a son so loyal take no heed?
Manfully, cheerfully, left he all
That he loved on Earth, when he heard that call.

Bravely he fought, and long, and well,
Unharmed by the death-charted shot or shell,
While thickly around, on every side,
Wounded and bleeding, his comrades died,
And those who loved him trusted that he
Would live to rejoice in our Nation free.

When the fearful din of the battle was o'er,
And the boom of cannon was heard no more,
But shrieks of anguish were rending the air,
And the moans of the dying heard everywhere,
It was his to soothe the sinking heart,
And strength of hope, and faith impart.

But alas! for the toil of that fatal day,
To disease and exhaustion he fell the prey;
Though he perished not in the bloody strife,
To the Nation's cause he gave his life.
Methinks that for many such offering given,
Our jewels of Earth must win favor from Heaven.

Alas! alas! for our bleeding land,
There is sorrow and mourning on every hand,
For all our grand triumphs, so valiant to gain,
Sad tears of bereavement are falling like rain.
O, remember each fallen, each patriot son,
When ye shout with glad voices, the victory won.

Transcribed by Mary Katherine May, owner of